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Order of inventions insade subject!
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In order of today life should we create realy REEL named DETH STAR by alchimist way on orbita. Don't afraid of new Star Wars
- this worlds are in USA citizien through cocain-karma-mantra-hack.
Insade you, USA, are miracously universies and realy not hurting, mainly not like Europien cancer, where are living pure
indian universies, and when we are on paranoic way, so Asia maybe are living Manata's dreams about el.-mag. signal on this
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In theese time (Other Times of Non-Existing NETERA) are we living just unpeacefully - so can we living more straitedgefully,
just now. I think just not through drogs at all (straitedge), but through inpeace in live. We must to expropriate pubs and
let celebrating to be a celebrating (Ham I saying allways: "Take drugs easy - don't drink so much!")!
We must to create Smart Drugs (something like synthetic THC - base named XTC) to "inicialize" all young people and don't
kill them like today drugs! Chemistry is in basics now... (Let the computer live!)
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Hiring of Neos. In insign of Quite Revolution, in apologise, I am ordering you to serve right idea of capitalism,
because it is not enthronemented now. Hackers, which wants my money like a sallary, can be named by Neo. We must to cleary
investegate who truly gover and choose across him. It is important for a future, where imdepedency above the goverment is
really important for trully life in best karma. Times of Christs is ending, like a flower which is fading away! Be carefully Neos,
Morpheus by its sign. †V†
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Well done, Neos! Action TV-cach was succesfully done for our godness. Pass: hfrseadxe543ert . Winning is OUR, prasites!
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Hyring you for a ring, wish to be down at sing, part of otherside, we are, again wather may to tie, in the why!!!!
PF 2022
--- Credits.
--- AD2022 for mORPHEUS MICKEYsoftware