2021-11-13 cca 18hod. GMT+1 (owner ORleague (sir.vojtech@kan-li.cz))

--- Notes AD2021-22. --- Notes 20'23. ---

... download Candle ...

† 2000 - Cult of a body. †

Rasism is something what you need to get healthy relationships and love. If you want to have a child, you want to it have good and nice life. If child will have home various rases like its parents, it don't know what is true and have no group to grow...

We are sorry, but we don't beliave to you in basics -
- be good (it's mark "C") NEGR ORleague...
"Cann't pay, wan't pay, no!": ADF:
"If you're muslim - you're terrorist!"
"If you're flag - you're black!"
"If you're white - you/r/e mentaly ill!"
It is not true at all! [2023-05-20]

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PF of some # can be ordered
by http://sharp-skinheads.eu/?pfno=(number of PF).

- [2022-01-07] Candidations -

ad 1. Kapitalism at all!
ad 2. Woman at home in good economicaly views with alone-mothers and educated mothers.
ad 3. No degenaration! (ad 3.1. Satanist belive!; ad 3.2. CBD in cane sugar!)
ad 4. Peace produced by NETERA (one army)!

bonmot #1: 2023-08-01

Black man in Africa is white and black woman in Africa is finally black. It's African Jing-Jang! ;o)

bonmot #2 & #3 in Czech lang.: 2023-08-12

To, že panna Mária, tedy Madonna, je vlastně Máří Magdalénou, naznačuje snad jenom to, že sv. Petr je vlasně Jidáš, protože donutil piláta Ponského, aby popravil Krista, PROTOŽE ŘÍM BYL PŘECI JENOM PRÁVNÍ STÁT, SIG HAIL!!! Tak co?, televizní sv Petři - Počkejte až přijde Vendetta NA KRVAVEJ POKEC!!! ;o)

bonmot #4 in Czech lang.: 2023-08-20

Úvod: To, že Kain je zosobněním spravedlnosti, jsem já, tlustý Ábel, zjistil až dnes.
Resimé: Jestli se Ábel bojí Kaina? - Ten, který chodil na sebeobranu, ne.

--- Credits. ---
--- AD2021 - 20'23 for SharpSkinheads MICKEYsoftware ---